Tuesday, September 23, 2008



Anonymous said...

I think blog is a good website.you can learn about people from different places.you don't worried about to write.


Anonymous said...

blogging is good.blogging is much safe then then site like myspace that why pick blog. Miciah

Anonymous said...

blogging is so fun u can leave comment and don't let bad get on it. Miciah

Anonymous said...

Micah i agree with you.Blogging is more better than writing. FELIPE

Anonymous said...

Winnie had drink the spring water and she marry Jesse but the baby is 5yrs old Winnie is 500 yrs old and Jesse is thousand yrs old. Every animal winnie saw sgive it spring water so it can live longer.One day Jesse went on a ride the horse.Jesse stop got a drink some water. The water was pollution with salet water.Jesse horse spokly then that Jesse to fallen off on cliff. Winnie was looking for Jesse she saw the hosre but Jesse. She saw him on the ground died.When got the horse then the man in yellow suit was his ghost hide in bush.He had push winnie off the cliff.He laugh'ha ha!!'.He had sit the wood on fire.Mae and Tuck came back in town he they went to winnie house.They didn't see noboby.They had saw the man in the yellow holding the baby. He vashiend in the air. Mae and tuck was going home he thought had saw someone on the ground.A note came on tuck face it said'the man in yellow is tuck daddy!!!!!!!!! 900yrs later he frought about every ting THE END? Miciah

Mrs. B said...

That is avery interesting ending! I never would have thought the man in the yellow suit's ghost might come back! Very original! ~Mrs. B

Anonymous said...

i like your ending it is very creative.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that nice comment.miciah

Anonymous said...

Thank mrs.b you for that nice comment.miciah

Anonymous said...

thank you for the comment .You are very nice.
